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NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation

The NovaSure ADVANCED and CLASSIC devices, which include a 3-dimensional bipolar electrode, deliver continuous suction to ensure proper contact with the endometrium and to remove vaporized tissue. An integrated proactive safety test is performed prior to the delivery of radiofrequency (RF) energy; insufflating the cavity using CO2, the system can detect pressure leaks to confirm uterine cavity integrity. The assessment is sensitive enough to detect a perforation as small as an 18-gauge needle. From its bi-polar radiofrequency energy to a single scientific endpoint, every aspect of the NovaSure procedure has been designed to deliver exceptional results.
NovaSure is not cycle dependent and is a customized treatment based on the uterine length and width. The treatment lasts on average 90 seconds and 2 minutes is the maximum. The NovaSure procedure has been used to treat over 3 million women with abnormal uterine bleeding.

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